So me being Greek, our Easter is one week later than American Easter. My grandmother came over today for an early celebration and, as per the secret code of the grandmothers (I'm fairly certain it exists), brought my brother and I each a chocolate bunny to munch on. Which, as all diabetic children know from the countless warnings from doctors and parents and school nurses, is not a good thing to eat all at once. But it's pretty darn tempting.
I mean...look at that thing. Sitting there all innocently on my counter when it clearly isn't. I swear it's sending subliminal messages to my head! 'Eat me Reed. Just one bite; it won't hurt.'
Ok, I'll admit it. If you ask any diabetic under the age of 12 (and quite a few over) what the worst holiday of the year is, chances are it's probably Halloween, as the candy and amount of time with your friends is more plentiful. But Easter is probably the second or third, depending on how many sweets are available for Thanksgiving. And why is that, you may ask? I direct you back to the picture of the bunny...just sitting there...mocking me.....
I was seven when I was diagnosed with diabetes, and I remember the first Easter after it was (to put it bluntly) a bitch. While my little brother and cousins ate chocolate bunnies and eggs galore, I was restricted to one small bunny and a few Tootsie Rolls since my parents were still fairly new to the diabetic game, and were convinced I would eat myself into another coma, only this one slightly more chocolate and marshmallow filled. Even my twelve year old cousin, who was also diabetic and had been for two years then, seemed to be allowed more sweets than I was.
These kinds of holidays are bittersweet for us diabetics, both new and old alike. As for the new ones, chances are what I described in the last paragraph sort of mirrors what your Easter was like. Let me assure you it does get better as you learn to handle your diabetes, and your parental unit will get better with you. But be warned; they will not completely leave you alone on the subject. In fact, as I sit here and type this and stare longingly at that caramel-filled rabbit, my mother nonchalantly suggested that I only eat half and save the rest for tomorrow.
Sigh. Mother, one does not simply eat half of a chocolate bunny. (I also feel the need to point out that every time I've tried to spell 'chololate' in this blog, I've gotten it wrong and had to auto-correct it. Maybe I can get it right by the end of this).
Anyway, I suppose what I mean to say is that easter is not the end of the world. In all honesty, if you bolus/do an injection ahead of time, and your blood sugar's good, why shouldn't you get a little indulgence. It's a special occasion after all. But if you just down a few pieces of chocolate with no insulin (which I will admit I've been guilty of in the past), you're almost guaranteeing some trouble. And trust me, the feeling of high blood sugar with only sweets in your stomach is not worth it, no matter how good you think it'll be.
On that note, I think that pretty much wraps up this entry. So I'm off to help with dinner, chill out with my family, and hopefully not get stuck with dishes. And I feel better knowing my mind is powerful enough to withstand the temptations brought on by a little molded piece of chocolate (hey; I spelt it right!)...with caramel...and peanuts.....and my blood sugar is 157...
Maybe just a bite...
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